Ofsted Report


Inspection Date 11/07/2022


Inspector Anahita Aderianwalla


Type of Setting

Childcare – Non Domestic

Setting Address

The Micklem Hall Church House

Old Church Lane




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Overall effectiveness Outstanding
The quality of education
Behaviour and attitudes
Personal development
Leadership and management
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision is outstanding

Children form exceptionally strong bonds with staff. This helps them to feel safe and secure. Toddlers brim with confidence. They are eager to get to know visitors and actively engage with them. Staff know children exceptionally well. They are tuned into what children know and can do. Staff use their extensive knowledge to provide opportunities and experiences for all children to make excellent progress.

Staff have high expectations for all children. Children learn about numbers in all that they do. Staff skilfully interweave numbers and counting into most activities. For example, toddlers expertly sequence the numbers one to ten with a number line outside. Older children know two- and three-dimensional shapes, including the properties of these shapes. Children use this knowledge later in their play.

Children behave exceptionally well. They begin to flourish when they join the nursery and benefit from staff’s individually tailored teaching. Staff skilfully support children, who may need extra help to manage their feelings. For example, younger children hold out their palms to their friends, to show they are waiting and would like a toy. Children learn to self-regulate their own behaviour, and staff show patience and kindness. All children have choices, and their opinions and interests are valued.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

  • Staff plan meticulously and ensure that activities cover all areas of learning. They link experiences to children’s interests very effectively. Children benefit greatly from the focus placed on meeting and developing their personal, social
    and emotional needs. Staff demonstrate a deep understanding of children’s learning needs. They consistently deliver high-quality interactions that build effectively on what children know. Children react very positively to staff during their play. They show high levels of engagement from a young age.
  • Staff get to know children extremely well when they start. They implement excellent settling-in procedures, so that children feel very secure. Staff skilfully care for children by following their individual routines. Children’s transitions on to the next phase of their education are effective and well planned. Staff sensitively encourage children to think for themselves and be independent. Leaders work very closely with the local schools to equip children with the right skills to confidently begin their next stage of education.
  • Staff are particularly skilled at supporting children’s communication skills. They engage children in conversations and discussions, modelling new and rich language. Staff ask pertinent questions that encourage children to think, describe and share what they know. Children are highly articulate and confident speakers. For instance, older children identify rhyming words in carefully chosen Inspection report: Stanmore Montessori 11 July 2022 2 books. They discuss the meaning of new words, such as ‘author’ and illustrations’. These skilled conversations mean that children use vocabulary, which is way beyond age-related expectations. Staff repeat words to children, and add new words to develop their sentences and speech.
  • Children’s behaviour is impeccable. Staff are tremendous role models for children and treat them with the utmost respect. This is then reflected in how children treat each other. Children consistently use good manners when communicating with their friends. Where children struggle to control their emotions, staff help them to develop useful techniques, such as controlled breathing. There is admirable support for children’s mental well-being. For example, children of all ages take part in weekly sessions to promote mindfulness and relaxation.
  • Children develop superb physical skills. The spacious, well-designed outdoor area provides children with a very wide range of physical opportunities. Staff create interesting and challenging obstacle races. They organise games to develop children’s physical coordination skills. Children develop very good strength and fitness from vigorous sport and exercise classes. They make meaningful marks, such as writing shopping lists, and follow recipes from international cook books from around the world.
  • Partnerships with parents are excellent. Staff keep parents regularly informed about their children’s progress and next steps in learning. This means that parents can continue to support their children’s achievements at home. Parents trust the staff to nurture and care for their children, and feel incredibly supported by the service given. Parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities praise the support, which staff give to their children and their collaborative work with outside agencies.
  • The provider is incredibly knowledgeable and reflective. She supports all staff and ensures that their well-being is of paramount importance. Staff hold the provider in extremely high regard. They are highly motivated by her exemplary practice to continue to develop their own practice through training and attending workshops. This results in a strong ethos of continuous improvement, where all staff strive to provide the best possible care and education for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have an excellent knowledge about a wide range of indicators that children may be at risk of harm. They confidently describe the correct procedures to be followed if they are concerned about a child. Leaders give a high priority to all aspects of safeguarding. They ensure that staff keep up to date with regular training. Staff have regular group discussions about a broad range of safeguarding matters. They teach children how to keep themselves safe through everyday routines. Children know that they need to stay hydrated during the day. They confidently talk about the importance of keeping themselves protected from the sun during hot weather.

Setting details

Unique reference number
Local authority
Inspection number
Type of provision
Childcare on non-domestic premises


Early Years Register, Compulsory Childcare Register, Voluntary Childcare Register
Day care type
Sessional day care
Age range of children at time of inspection
2 to 4
Total number of places
Number of children on roll
Name of registered person
Monk, Caroline Victoria
Registered person unique reference number
Telephone number
0208 954 1617
Date of previous inspection
13 January 2016

Information about this early years setting

Stanmore Montessori registered in 2004. It is situated in Stanmore in the London Borough of Harrow. The nursery is open during term time from 8.45am to 2.45pm, Monday to Friday. It employs seven members of childcare staff. Of these, five hold appropriate early years qualifications at level 6 and two hold a qualification at level 3. The nursery provides funded early years education for children aged two, three and four years. It follows the Montessori educational ethos.

Information about this inspection


Anahita Aderianwalla

Inspection activities

  • This was the first routine inspection the setting received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The inspector discussed the impact of the pandemic with the manager and provider, and has taken that into account in their evaluation of the setting.
  • The senior leadership team joined the inspector on a learning walk. They talked to the inspector about their curriculum and what they want the children to learn.
  • The manager and the inspector carried out a joint observation of an activity.
  • The inspector sampled relevant documentation, including evidence of staff’s suitability.
  • The inspector spoke to the children and staff throughout the inspection.
  • Parents provided verbal and written feedback during the inspection. The inspector took account of their views.

We carried out this inspection under sections 49 and 50 of the Childcare Act 2006 on the quality and standards of provision that is registered on the Early Years Register. The registered person must ensure that this provision complies with the statutory framework for children’s learning, development and care, known as the early years foundation stage.

If you are not happy with the inspection or the report, you can complain to Ofsted.

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